Young Life
Young Life began with a few simple ideas about sharing the truth of God’s love with the next generation. Seven decades later, those simple ideas have become time-tested methods for reaching out to middle school, high school, and college students offering friendship and hope. The local Young Life offices are right on our Centerville church campus.
Compassion Network
Our church has partnered with Compassion Network to further help our community in addition to the ministries we do at CPC. We want to be the hands and feet of Jesus going out into our city and community with God’s love. Serving the community is something Jesus Christ did and we want to follow in His footsteps. Whether it is helping someone through Compassion Network, being polite to others in a busy store when no one else seems to be, or encouraging a random stranger with kind words, we know that God can use all things for His good! We believe in making a difference for His kingdom and encourage you to join us!

We are a Christian faith-based, non-profit volunteer network and clearing-house specifically serving Fremont, Union City, and Newark residents with various needs. We have personally served over 21,000 people in need representing all faiths, economic, and ethnic groups. We successfully complete an average of over 33,000 need requests per year. Hundreds of volunteers are recruited to serve those in need for free through our Tri-City network of over 70 participating CityServe church congregations. Each year we also collaborate with community volunteers and other faith groups to encourage a spirit of unity through service during the Make a Difference Day outreach.
Have questions? Want more information? Contact our Compassion Liaison using the form below:
Have questions? Want more information? Contact our Compassion Liaison using the form below: