We Give Because God Gave First!
By contributing to Centerville Presbyterian Church, you partner in what God is doing in our community and around the world through our church family.
Helping People “SEE” Jesus!
- Share Life: Spreading the Good News of Jesus
- Equip Disciples: Training believers in their faith
- Engage Community: Raising up workers on mission to reach the world

Ways To Give
We accept all gifts, which are subject to the designated gifts policy of Centerville Presbyterian Church. If you have questions about giving or the designated gifts policy, use the form below or contact the church office.
Donate online with your credit card or checking account.
Drop off in our offering boxes on Sundays or send mail to:
Centerville Presbyterian Church
Attn: Finance Dept.
4360 Central Ave,
Fremont, CA 94536
Other Ways to Give
Stocks or Mutual Bonds
Please contact Sally Suryan about these types of gifts
510-793-3575, x20
Download the stock donation form
For gifts of securities, please note that it may take four to five business days from the time your broker initiates a stock transfer to CPC until the settlement date when the proceeds are credited to CPC's account and are recognized as a gift.
510-793-3575, x20
Download the stock donation form
For gifts of securities, please note that it may take four to five business days from the time your broker initiates a stock transfer to CPC until the settlement date when the proceeds are credited to CPC's account and are recognized as a gift.
Donor Advised Funds
You can make a gift to CPC via a Donor Advised Fund. Please keep in mind that your tax receipt will be issued by the fund, not by CPC.
If you wish to make a gift toward a pledge, please be sure to notify the Donor Advised Fund so that we know to record the gift as such.
CPC's tax ID is: 94-6050401
If you wish to make a gift toward a pledge, please be sure to notify the Donor Advised Fund so that we know to record the gift as such.
CPC's tax ID is: 94-6050401
IRA Contributions
Once at retirement age, taking a distribution from your retirement account is an easy and financially painless way to make a pledge or tithe.
Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)
If you are age 70 1/2 or older, you can contribute up to $105,000, (limit adjusted annually) each year from your IRA account directly to a qualified charity. This is known as a qualified charitable distribution. By transferring the gift of stocks or mutual funds directly, you avoid paying federal and state tax like you would taking cash out of your IRA and donating that cash.
Please check with your IRA administrator or your tax advisor for more information. QCD contributions are currently not deductible on your itemized 1040 tax return.
Please check with your IRA administrator or your tax advisor for more information. QCD contributions are currently not deductible on your itemized 1040 tax return.
FAQ About Giving
Why Should I Give?
Christian stewardship is our response to God’s generosity to us, Christ’s lordship over all aspects of our life, and our complete dependence on God. We give in gratitude because God has given so much to us; we give as part of our commitment to following Christ; and we give to be partners with God in His work in the world.
How Much Should I Give?
The “how much” question in the Old Testament teaches the principle of giving the first tenth of what we earn to God as an act of worship and trust, this is called a tithe. People in the Bible also brought offerings and gifts that were different than the tithe as demonstrations of worship.
While tithing is mentioned in the New Testament, it is not emphasized in the same way as in the Old Testament. The New Testament shifts the focus from a legal requirement to a principle of generous, cheerful giving that expands from simply money to also giving our whole selves. (Romans 12:1-2)
While tithing is mentioned in the New Testament, it is not emphasized in the same way as in the Old Testament. The New Testament shifts the focus from a legal requirement to a principle of generous, cheerful giving that expands from simply money to also giving our whole selves. (Romans 12:1-2)
What Does The Bible Teach About Giving?
- God Owns Everything – Psalm 24:1 teaches that “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.” We are merely stewards of God’s resources, not owners.
- Our Heart Follows Our Treasure – Matthew 6:19-21 states, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth... but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven... For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." This means our giving reflects our spiritual priorities.
- Giving is an Eternal Investment – 1 Timothy 6:17-19 encourages believers to be rich in good deeds and generous so they may "lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age."
- We Cannot Out-Give God – 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 – "Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."
- Giving is an Act of Worship and Trust – 2 Corinthians 9:7 reminds believers, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver..” Giving should be done willingly, not reluctantly.
- We Are Channels, Not Reservoirs – 2 Corinthians 9:11 teaches that God blesses us so we can bless others, reinforcing the idea that we are conduits of His generosity.
What Is A Sacrificial Giver?
A sacrificial giver is someone who gives in a way that involves prioritizing generosity. This type of giving goes beyond what is convenient or comfortable and reflects a deep commitment to their faith, values, and the needs of others.
Sacrificial giving is often motivated by a great sense of purpose and trust in God’s provision, believing that the temporary sacrifice will lead to greater spiritual and communal blessings. It is a beautiful and meaningful way to imitate Christ, who gave of Himself for us.
Sacrificial giving is often motivated by a great sense of purpose and trust in God’s provision, believing that the temporary sacrifice will lead to greater spiritual and communal blessings. It is a beautiful and meaningful way to imitate Christ, who gave of Himself for us.
What Is A Joyful Giver?
A joyful giver is someone who gives willingly and cheerfully, experiencing genuine happiness and fulfillment in the act of giving. Rather than feeling obligated or reluctant, a joyful giver feels gratitude and excitement to contribute to causes that align with their values, such as supporting their faith community or helping others in need.
The concept of joyful giving is often inspired by the belief that giving is both a privilege and a blessing. This mindset sees generosity as a way to participate in something meaningful and to reflect love and kindness, creating a sense of joy that comes from seeing the positive impact of one’s contributions.
The concept of joyful giving is often inspired by the belief that giving is both a privilege and a blessing. This mindset sees generosity as a way to participate in something meaningful and to reflect love and kindness, creating a sense of joy that comes from seeing the positive impact of one’s contributions.
What Does The Church's Ministries Support?
Our Church Ministries budget is built to support our local congregation – as we care for the sick and hurting, support children and families, challenge and encourage our young people with the gospel, provide excellent and reverent Sunday worship, train our people in Christian formation, and equip for ministry as we love and serve our city and world. Included in the Church Ministries are our operating expenses plus our support for local and global ministry partners.
Should I Prioritize Giving To My Local Church
Prioritizing giving to your home church is important because the local church, next to your personal time with God in prayer and Bible reading, provides your primary spiritual nourishment. This community is where we invest most of ourselves and where others invest in us, so it makes sense to begin giving to your spiritual home.
The Bible teaches that the Church is God’s chosen instrument for preaching the gospel, discipling believers, and serving the community. Supporting it financially ensures that it can continue its mission.
Matthew 28:19-20 – “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations… teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”
Scripture also teaches that those who benefit from spiritual instruction should support their church financially.
Galatians 6:6 – “Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with the one who teaches.”
After giving to the local Church, let the Spirit of God and generosity lead you. There are many wonderful opportunties to support other “Kingdom of God” causes and organizations above and beyond your support of the Church Ministries Fund.
The Bible teaches that the Church is God’s chosen instrument for preaching the gospel, discipling believers, and serving the community. Supporting it financially ensures that it can continue its mission.
Matthew 28:19-20 – “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations… teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”
Scripture also teaches that those who benefit from spiritual instruction should support their church financially.
Galatians 6:6 – “Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with the one who teaches.”
After giving to the local Church, let the Spirit of God and generosity lead you. There are many wonderful opportunties to support other “Kingdom of God” causes and organizations above and beyond your support of the Church Ministries Fund.
What Is The Fremont Charitable Missions Foundation?
Fremont Charitable Missions Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Foundation that parallels CPC and primarily supports CPC. It is a good resource for gifts, estates, and property donations that are intended to support multiple recipients within or outside of CPC with single or multiple yearly distributions. Per the founding documents, the majority of the FCMF Board of Directors are current CPC members and all directors have served in leadership positions at CPC. FCMF was established in 2001 and has an excellent record of growing the gifts, providing grant requests to CPC for extra budget and emergency needs and distributing estate gifts per the wishes of the donors.
If you are interested in more information regarding the Foundation, please contact Mike Cook at 510 459-1020 or Matthew Jue at 510 440-8137.
If you are interested in more information regarding the Foundation, please contact Mike Cook at 510 459-1020 or Matthew Jue at 510 440-8137.
What Is A Faith-Based Budget?
Every year, our Elders approve an annual budget based on prayerful assessment and practical consideration of how God is calling us to carry out the mission He has given us. Because we operate on voluntary giving, and we do not know what our income is going to be, we approve a budget target we believe our congregation is able to reach. We base this budget on God’s grace and our faithful giving to receive the amount needed to cover expenses.
Can I Give Stock?
Individuals who donate stock or mutual funds benefit by being able to:
- Claim the market value of the security as a tax-deductible contribution
- Avoid capital gains tax on the profit from the sale of the securities, thereby lowering the basis of the gift.
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