Our Mission
Share Life - Equip Disciples - Engage Community

Here at Centerville, we believe we are more than just a group of people who go to church - we are a family, the family of God (1 John 3:1). But as a family, we don't want to grow stagnant, because Jesus calls us to bring the Kingdom of God to Earth as it is in heaven. Therefore our heart is to grow and reach others, and our church family's mission is to share the love of Jesus in our families, schools, workplaces, neighborhoods, and more. We exist to SEE Jesus move in our local community, as our heart is to love, bless, and serve our city. We do this by challenging our church family in their everyday lives to live out our three core pillars of faith: Share Life, Equip Disciples, and Engage Community.
Our Denomination

Centerville has been a member church of The Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) since 2013. We, the EPC, believe we are more than just a collection of churches - we are a global movement spreading the love of Jesus in our local communities and to the ends of the Earth. The EPC exists to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus as a denomination of Presbyterian, Reformed, Evangelical, and Missional congregations. We are evangelical in our zeal for the Gospel and are committed to evangelism, local and global mission, and living obediently as followers of Jesus. At the same time, we are rooted deeply in the Protestant Reformation including the theological and pastoral work of John Calvin. We embrace the Westminster Confession of Faith as our doctrinal standard and the rule of spiritually mature elders as the best way to guide local congregations.
The EPC consists of more than 600 churches with approximately 145,000 members. We have a world missions program that prioritizes sending missionaries to unreached people groups across the world. We are eager to plant churches across the United States and especially in urban communities and college towns. Our desire is that every one of our congregations will be an outpost of the Kingdom, with every member viewing himself or herself as a missionary on mission for Jesus.
The EPC consists of more than 600 churches with approximately 145,000 members. We have a world missions program that prioritizes sending missionaries to unreached people groups across the world. We are eager to plant churches across the United States and especially in urban communities and college towns. Our desire is that every one of our congregations will be an outpost of the Kingdom, with every member viewing himself or herself as a missionary on mission for Jesus.