High School
Open to all students in 9th – 12th grade who want a place of belonging to eat good food, pray, ask honest questions, listen to each other, laugh, and learn truths about God. If you want to be part of an accepting community of peers where adults support and encourage you, and help you take your next steps with Jesus, whatever that looks like, please join us!
Meeting times
We currently meet once a week with YoungLife. For more info, contact our Next Gen Director, Josh Morgan.

Middle School
Students in 6-8th grade who want a place of belonging to connect with peers, eat good snacks, pray, share life, ask honest questions, and learn about God in relevant ways to help navigate the faith journey. You will be loved and encouraged by leaders who are committed to being present with you as you figure out your next steps with Jesus!
Meeting times
We meet on the 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Sundays of each month during the worship service.